Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Amazing Pastor Lee

Provided by: facebook.com

On the day that our HITC applications are due, what would be more appropriate than talking about the man that has poured his heart and soul into the program?  HITC [Harvest International Training Center] is an institution with a three pronged focus that intent on training up world changers to go out and effect their generation.  With emphases in biblical academics, church internship, and leadership development, this school has already helped to shape many amazing young men and women.

However today, I want to introduce you to the man at the helm of this great college.  This is a man who has dedicated years of his life to the spiritual and academic development of many young people.  He is a man who has successfully mentored many people into full time positions of church leadership.  And he is a man who is very close to me, and has been instrumental in how God has shaped my life over the last couple of years.  This man is Pastor Lee Galway.

Today, I wanted to acknowledge Pastor Lee for all that he means to me, that the ways that he has poured into my life.  I wanted to say thank you for the many talks, the many hours, and the many tears shed in your office.  You are an awesome man of God, and I am proud to call you one of my pastors!  God bless you sir.

Monday, July 30, 2012

The Dreaded Dead End

Provided by: epilogue.net

So how do I avoid the dreaded dead end?  How do I ensure that the work I am doing is not in vain?  How do I know that the work that I am doing is in the will of God?  These are all questions that I have asked myself over the last couple of years.

The good news is that God is real!  One of the things that I found myself doing is thinking that I was in this on my own.  Somehow I thought that God drew me to Himself when I first became a Christian, but after that I was left to find my own way.  I thought that it was now up to me to find my path, determine my course, and arrive at my destiny.  Fortunately, the bible says the complete opposite.

The bible says that, “A man's heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps,” (Proverbs 16:9 New King James Version).

One of the stories that I am drawn to in the Old Testament of the Bible is the story of Moses.  Moses was a young man who grew up in the palace of the king [Pharaoh].  He would have learned all the strategies of war, and he would have been taught the art of governing people.

Then, when Moses discovers his heritage and wants to free his people from oppression and bondage, he gets run out of town and goes and herds sheep in the wilderness for 40 years.  This seems like a dead end, but it is not!

Rather there were different aspects of Moses’ character that God wanted to work on.  His life took different twists and turns, and eventually God united all of his training and heritage to the calling of his life.  The thing that encouraged me the most about this story is that in God, there are no dead ends.  In God there are no wasted opportunities.

If we are in a trial, or a circumstances, or going in a specific direction that does not seen logical, then that means that there is something that we must learn though this to accomplish the mission of our life.  Continue to be moldable, changeable, and teachable, and God will bring you to your destination just like Moses.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Mountain Biking

One of my favorite things ever is mountain biking.  I love riding though nature, and seeing things as God created them.  It is an awesome opportunity to escape from the busy hustle and bustle, and just get away.

Mountain biking also gives me a chance to put myself to the limit.  It gives me a challenge to conquer: how fast can I climb today, can I reduce my number of breaks, can I keeps pace with the other guys?  Not only that, but when I go biking up in the hills it is working for the greater reward.  "You ride up so that you can ride down," as my friends always say.  It is such an adrenaline rush racing down the side of a hill on a single track trail with nothing more than an aluminum frame and two thin rubber tires separating you from sudden disaster.

I am hoping to do a lot more mountain biking this summer but regardless the time that I have spent up in the Boise foothills with my friends has been a blast!  Thanks again Mike, Brad, and Ron for biking with me this year!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Bad Parenting

Provided by: generallyawesome.com

One of the things that I have learned from my pastors at Harvest Church is to conduct my life in a way that others could follow me.  They encouraged me to set an example where others could stray a little to the right or to the left and still be safe.  That is some of the best advice I have ever received.  My only regret is that my pastors did not tell this advice to the duck ;)

Have a good one everyone.  Tomorrow I am going to be telling you about a recent excursion with friends, and then we have some awesome things on tap for Friday.  You don’t want to miss it!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Provided by: auniesauce.com
Today I am so very happy to introduce you to a young lady that has been an amazing resource to me in starting this blog.  This young lady is an accomplished blogger in her own right, and she is a good personal friend.  I am of course referring to Annelise of auniesauce.com.

Annelise has an amazing fashion and life blog, and her down to earth writing style has endeared her to many many readers, including me.  Annelise is a personal friend of mine, and has helped me get my blog off the ground.  Thank you so much Aunie for all you help and support.  I really appreciate you!!

Say hi to Dan for me!  I’ll see you both soon!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Road Construction Ahead

Provided by: tmsmiles.blogspot.com

Road blocks can be one of the most discouraging things when you are trying to get somewhere.  I remember I was driving to a friend’s house, and the road was blocked off on one of the major streets for road construction.  I had to drive three miles around just to get to the place that I was going.  I was so frustrated.

And yet, when it comes to financial goal, or a career goal, or a kingdom of God goal, so many people, when they hit a road block give up and go home.  It can be hard to start down a particular “path of life” and then have your goal take longer than you expect.  Columbus was trying to sail to India when he started sailing west from Spain.  It took twice as long as he expected to hit land, and when he discovered America, he was not even half way to India.

Many great “life missions” are that way.  We read about these people in the history books and marvel over their accomplishments.  And yet if we where to go back and ask them, they would say that the journey was much harder than they anticipated, and the destination was different than what they expected.

Penicillin was discovered from bread mold, electricity from flying a kite, and the 150 uses of peanuts from an over-abundance of peanuts.  Thomas Edison, one of the greatest inventors in the history of the world and the holder of 1093 U.S. patents once said, “Many of life's failures are experienced by people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”

Of all the great inventors of the success stories of the world, I would assert that there are two qualities that are almost universally present: (1) hard work and perseverance, and (2) a willingness and ability to adapt and continue when challenges arise.

Also remember the title of one of my previous blogs: “Ready-Fire-Aim-Fire.”  If the most difficult thing is starting, and if you were willing to step out before having all the facts to avoid stagnation, then by definition, you will not have all the facts.  By definition, you will have to make adjustments.  By definition, you will have to re-aim and fire again.

With this in mind, road blocks are not discouraging.  No, they are exciting.  They are a further definition of the problem.  They are factors that have to be solved that will bring you that much closer to the solution.  You will not have all the information you need when you start.  If you did, that would be a pretty boring life mission.  You will need to grow, adapt, and change as you go, but that is what is so amazing about the journey.  Run with all your heart, and with integrity, and you will make it!

Thanks so much for joining me today.  Next week we are going to talk about the dreaded “Dead End,” and how to avoid it.  Also there are tons of other amazing adventures lines up for the week.  See you then.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Investment Banking (3 Keys Part 2)

Provided by: goldsilveralert.blogspot.com

Last week we were talking about the 3 keys to success, and the first two that we covered were being faithful with a little, and not taking God's role.  The third key that I believe is can be the most important, sometimes can be the most missed is what I call "Investment Banking."

In the passage that I referenced last week in Matthew chapter 25 [it's the parable of the talents... I highly recommend you all read it :) ] there is a part where the master is scolding the unfaithful servant.  He tells this servant that he should have at least invested his "talent" [ancient unit of money] with the bankers to that he would have received back his talent with interest.

It is easy to think that this "Investment Banking" in the passage is a less beneficial option to multiplying talents.  Sort of like a "Plan B."  That's how I always took it.  But the more I think about it, the more I believe that there was something else going on.  I believe that "Investment Banking" is the first step toward multiplying talents.

So reading between the lines, what is "Investment Banking?"  I believe it is saying, I have this resource, talent, or ability, and I really don't know what to do with it.  Therefore I am going to loan it to someone who does know what to do with it.  So, if I am a good musician, maybe I will loan my talent to the church worship team until I can develop other skills to start a Christian band.  Or if I am a good speaker, I will volunteer to give a mini-messages and testimonies in small group until God commissions me to have my own small group.  Or if I am successful with money, I will give my money to worthwhile causes, until God gives me my own causes to start.

God has something for EVERYONE!  Every single person has a cause that they are supposed to head-up, lead, or take the initiative with.  No exceptions.  Not everyone does it, but we are all supposed to.  It will never be independent of the whole.  We are all part of the single body of Christ.  But at the same time it should be a key aspect that you are solely responsible for.

The question is how do you get there?  Not by hording your talent.  And NOT by sitting back and waiting to be discovered.  No!  We all need to go out and invest in other people's ministries, other people's businesses, and other people's accomplishments.  My goal should be to find someone who is more successful that me, and make them even more successful than they already are.  In the process of doing this, the other person's principles, skills, and abilities will start to rub off on me, and I will learn how they got to be successful.

So, my encouragement to you today is to find a successful person.  Find someone who is doing something similar to what your dreams are... and invest in them!  Take them out to lunch.  Join their team.  Volunteer.  Invest your resources.  Get involved!  In the process you will learn what makes a person successful, and you will be able to apply those principles to the thing that God has called you to do.

Hope you all had a great week.  Sorry again about the glitch while I was on vacation.  See you Monday for more adventures!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Home Sweet Home

I just got back from an amazing trip to Seattle.  I went to a Seattle Sounders soccer game, I saw a bunch of old friends [old as in length of relationship, not age of person], and I made some amazing memories.  There should be some pictures on my personal facebook page of the trip in the next couple of days, so feel free to check those out.

Also, I meant to have my blogs post automatically while I was gone, but that didn't work.  Apologies.  I will get that worked out.  See you tomorrow!!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Reconciling Ideas

Provided by: forgetfulgentleman.com

Welcome back.  I hope you had an amazing weekend!  My weekend was packed!  But it’s better than being bored, right!?

The question for today is: how do I reconcile two opposing ideas?

One Friday’s blog, the general theme was to be faithful with a little, and God brings the increase, while Monday’s theme had been to go for it, try something new, and step out when you are unsure.

How do we reconcile the two?

This is a question that I have thought a lot about, even before this blog.  Do I wait and be faithful with a little?  Or… do I step out and do something crazy?  The answer I arrived at is… that these options are the exact same thing from different perspectives.

In Matthew chapter 25—in the parable of the talents—the servant with one talent was afraid!  He was afraid to step out and multiply his one talent!  Even though it would have been way less work than the other servants, he was still afraid!  He thought it was too much!

When the bible says to be faithful with a little, that means it is a little from God’s perspective.  Not from our perspective!  From our perspective, the task ahead can seem huge, daunting, and insurmountable.  The problem is that God looks down and chuckles.  He looks at us and wonders when we are going to get past this one so that we can move on to the real work.

While it is true that I have never been to Mexico before, I have made other fairly large decisions on limited information… and had the work out well [that last part is important J].  I have been on 4 different short term mission trips.  I do know some Spanish.  Also, I do have local contacts down there that I personally know and would be working with.

The direction for me is slightly new, but the process is still the same.  I never expected to go down to Mexico and live for several months.  Now, that looks like a possibility.  But how do I get there?  I get there by being faithful with a little.  I get there by improving my Spanish, writing a blog, finishing school, and several other things I will share with you in the upcoming weeks and months.

Actually shifting direction and focusing on going to Mexico for an extended period of time was a huge change in mindset.  It was like whoa… well… ummm… okay….  But after doing that, it is still an excise in being faithful with a little.

That’s it for today.  Next week we are going to be talking about roadblocks.  Also tomorrow I am going to tell you about another amazing person that has been a huge help to me.  See you then!

Friday, July 13, 2012

3 Keys to Development (Part 1)

Provided by: citywestchurch.com

What do you do when you are not moving forward in life?  The bible talks about developing your gifts and talents.  It talks about coming into maturity in Christ.  It talks about being fruitful and multiplying.  The question then is, what should we do if that is not happening?

For myself, I had a time in my life that was just like that: I was a civil engineer, and making tons of money for a 22-year-old, but my life was going no where.

[BTW: Hello, if you are new with us.  Welcome!  I would highly recommend you reviewing my last two Friday blogs.  They will really catch you up on where we are in this conversation.  The links are at the bottom. J]

As I was reading through the bible, I found 3 keys to having increase in my life, and I would like to share them with you.  All of these are found in Matthew 25:14-30.

The first thing to keep in mind is that it is God who brings the increase.  So many times in my life, I have strived to achieve, to be better than the rest, and to bring increase to my own life.  I strived so hard to bring increase that I neglected my current responsibilities.  Bringing increase is not my responsibility.  It’s God’s.  So that’s the first key: do not try to take God’s job.

The second key is the other side to that coin: be faithful with what we already have.  Be faithful with a little.  If every day we tried to just be faithful by developing ourselves: spiritual [with God], financially, educationally, musically, and physically, we would find that we have more than enough to keep us busy.

[Sigh] I really wanted to finished this series today.  There are so many other things that we need to move on to.  But the post was growing way too long.  Therefore, part 2, and the third key to success will be next Friday.  Apologies!  I cannot believe it is already Friday.  Have a great weekend, and we will see you back here next week for more awesome adventures!

Friday: July 6: http://mattsmexicanadventure.blogspot.com/2012/07/cycle-of-life.html
Friday: June 29: http://mattsmexicanadventure.blogspot.com/2012/06/there-are-3-types-of-people.html

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Bible: It's What's for Breakfast

Provided by: shortorderdad.com

Today, as I woke up and walked down the hall, the air was filled with the delicious smell of bacon.  I walked around the corner, and not only did I find bacon cooking, but also a delicious smorgasbord of breakfast being finished by my roommate Dan.  It included bacon (obviously), eggs, French toast and orange juice.  Dan, David (one of my other roommates), and I all enjoyed a delicious breakfast together and just caught up on life.  We read through Psalms 19, and prayed together, and just had a great time.  It was a perfect way to start off the day.

Well, that's all for today.  Thanks for reading.  Tomorrow we are going to be finishing our discussion on developing your talents.  I am really looking forward to it.  See you then!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Roman Candle War

Provided by: fireworkbt.com

For years on end in Seattle it was said that summer actually started on July 5.  That’s because there was a string of summers where the Independence Day was cold, cloudy, and rainy, and then the next day would be bright and sunny.

Well it was about 10 years ago when there was a break in the trend.  The sun was standing tall, the skies were clear, and the weather was warm.  It was going to be an awesome 4th of July.

Our garage was packed with the usual array of fireworks.  We would have enough colored explosives to last us through the night and well into the morning.  Whoever thought of the phrase, “Your money going up in smoke,” many very well have had my father in mind.  Except in His case it was going to be very beautiful colored smoke.

However there was only on aspect of the day that I am going to write about today.  Ten years ago, at my house there was an epic one-on-one Roman Candle War.

The idea started with a passing comment.  No more.  I war of fireworks.  But it was an idea that started to fester in the mind of my brother.  He started to plan, scheme and strategize about how to turn our arsenal into a war of the ages.  A battle of fireworks, how incredible would that be?

He got together with his best friend, Zack, who was over at the house that day, and together they started carefully eying the kaleidoscope of bright packages that was neatly displayed in one of the bays of our garage.

In the end, the weapon of choice turned out to be the Roman Candle: a stick of gun-powered that shot ten flaming balls of fire at about two second intervals, each one with increasing velocity.

My contribution to this battle seemed relatively small at first, but proved to be pivotal by the end.  I insisted that they wear paintball masks for eye protection.  I was not about to lead my brother about by the hand for the rest of his life while he carried a white cane if it could be avoided.

Our lake-front property had a relatively small back yard, but the tight dimensions only served to heighten the rules of engagement.  My brother and his friend stood at opposite ends of the rectangular cut of grass.  They were not allowed to advance, nor were they allowed to retreat.  They could only move back and forth laterally along the edge of the lawn.

With a lighter in one hand and a roman candle in the other, this modern day dual was about to commence.  People were lined along the balcony of back deck, looking down at the gladiators below.  A paddle boat passing by had stopped to see what the fuss was about.  It was go time.  Ready: the fuses were lit with spits and sparks.  Aim: the weapons were raised and pointed squarely at the opponent.  [Silence].  Fire: the first flaming ball shot out of the end and gently arced toward the other side.

Each person easily parried the volley with a side step and got ready for the next round.  For a spilt second there was a moment of let down.  Would this battle really be so anti-climactic?  A second later we all go our answer.  When second shot exploded from the ends with increased force and velocity, we all remembered the nature of the weapon.  This would be a fight that would increase in difficultly with every shot.

As the set of fiery balls crossed paths and hurtled toward their opponents, the young men had a little more trouble getting out of the way.  It was not the velocity of the shot which made it difficult, but rather it was the surprise combined with the realization that each subsequent shot was going to come with ever faster speed.

The third round fired, and was dodged on both sides.  Each person was ready for it, bending their knees so they could jump from side to side.

Then the fourth round, it was faster still.  Zach was able to dodge the shot just fine but in doing so, he did not keep his Roman Candle pointed at my brother.  His own shot went awry.  He was going to have to keep his weapon pointed at my brother at all times, if he was going to win.  Neither person could control when their firework would go off, which only added to the challenge.

By this time, the weapons were not in sync with each other.  Run.  Stop.  Duck.  Dodge.  It was as much of a mind game as anything else.  Each person had to anticipate where the other would be, and shot at that point while dodging at the same time.

Fifth Round.  Sixth Round.  The shots were coming faster and faster.  By this time the boys were dodging rockets that were being aimed straight at their heads.

Seventh Round: my brother’s shot was flying right at Zach.  He just barely ducked his shoulder, and volley whizzed passed his and exploded off the concrete retaining wall behind him.

Eighth Round: my brother was running right, and Zach fired right in front of him.  He tried to stop, only to loose his footing and slide to the ground.  The firey ball zipped over his head and ricocheted off the tree behind him in a flash of sparks.

Ninth Round: my brother fired while still half on the ground.  Zach tried in vine move his midsection out of the way.  The shot nicked his hip.

Tenth Round: as Zach was still in mid-dodge from the previous round he pointed his weapon right at my brother’s head and it went off.  The final shot went off like a cannon.  It was as if time were going in slow motion.  The flaming bullet was racing right for my brother’s face.  He saw it coming, but shot was moving faster than the electronic signal from his brain to his muscles.  There was nothing that he could do.  The flaming gun-powered splashed off the protective mask with a splash of color that resembled a Chinese fan of light.

Was that it?  Each person kept their weapon pointed at the other not wanting to take any chances.  They were still on the balls of their feet, ready to dodge an unexpected discharge.  Nothing.  There was a collective sign of relief that started down between the two combatants and made its way through the entire crowd.  The battle was over.  The war was done.  Everyone had survived.

The two went over to shake hands, and compare battle scars.  Zach’s shirt was badly singed, but was no worse for wear.  My brother was absolutely fine; the paintball mask fulfilling its intended purpose.  It had been a tie.  One hit apiece.  And although each one of these young men was highly competitive, the intensity of the dual was more than anyone expected.  This one would be a draw for all eternity.  It would go down in the record books as an even match, and one never to be repeated.

Thank you all for reading.  If you like the page please feel free to follow it, and or share it with a friend.  See you tomorrow for more adventures!  Take care and God bless!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Honorable Jessica Day?

Provided by: Jessica Day

Today I am very excited to tell you about a young lady that has been vital in this blog.  In fact she is the one who first helped me get this blog off the ground.  Her name is Jessica Day.

Jessica was a fellow college student of mine in HITC over this last year.  A young woman aspiring to be a politician, Jessica has always been an excellent student and a faithful friend.

Jessica has had a blog for several years now.  She is a very accomplished blogger in her own right, and the name of her current blog is http://lifeofjessicaday.blogspot.com/.  Check it out!  Besides, we are featuring each other on our blogs today.

Provided by: Jessica Day
If you want to know anything about blending politics and a Christian worldview, then Jessica is your girl.  I believe after HITC she is planning on going to law school, and beyond that: lawyer? judge? who knows...?  You’ll have to ask her.  She is funny, smart, and very principled.  I know you’ll love reading her blog.  Thank you Jessica for all you have helped me with, and for being an awesome friend!  

Tomorrow, I am going to be sharing with you an awesome 4th of July story in honor of last weeks festivities. I know you'll love it!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Where's the Starting Line?

Provided by: alivereligion.com

Wow!  I cannot believe it is already my third week blogging.  Thank you all for your support.  This has been so much fun.

Well, now that you are all excited about the mission of your life, and you want to run after God’s purpose for you, the next logical question is: where do I being?  What am I supposed to do?  Where do I start?

The answer to that is finding out what you are passionate about.  What do you enjoy doing?  What do you do for fun, or for free?  That should give you some clue as to what you could do in your mission in life.  Do you play piano or guitar?  Maybe your mission is music.  Do you like having people over?  Maybe your mission is entertaining, and connecting.  Do you like sports?  Maybe you should host events, parties, and BBQs at the park.  Whatever you naturally enjoy doing is a great place to start for pursuing after God’s mission for you.

One side note before I move on: movies, TV, videogames, and internet are time-waisters.  Get rid of them!  Often times those things serve to mask your passion, and not reveal it.  One possible caveat is that those things could be serving to mask your passion.  If you like movies, maybe your passion is plays, or writing.  If you like TV, then maybe your passion is video production.  If you like internet, then maybe your passion is technology.  And I you enjoy surfing the internet, then maybe your passion is social networking.  However, in any of these cases, if you want to pursue after this area as the mission of your life, then you will need a lot more education!  You need to put down the remote, laptop, etc. and start reading books and taking classes on the subject, because it is an area that takes a lot more work.

For me, I have always liked evaluating movies, having friends over, and experiencing new cultures.  Therefore, writing a novel, small group ministry, and missionary work has been a natural fit for me.  So, what’re your passion?  What are you already doing in your free time?  How could God use what you enjoy to further His kingdom?

Next week we are going to talk about what to do when you start chasing this dream, and it does not go as you expect.  Also tomorrow I am going to be introducing you to someone who has been a great help getting this blog off the ground.  I know you will love it.  See you tomorrow! J

Friday, July 6, 2012

Cycle of Life

Last week we talked about there being three different categories of people and I wanted to review them really quickly.  They were:

(1)   You have so developed your gifts and talents that you have an abundance, and you can freely share God’s blessing with the people around you.
Provided by: wpclipart.com
(2)   You have so developed your gifts and talents that you have more to do and accomplish than you could ever do on your own and you need people to come alongside of you to help you with the vision that God has given you.
(3)   You have not fully developed your gifts and talents.

The question is, which are you right now?  One thing that I want to emphasize is that you will never always be just one of these, as long as you are a growing and maturing Christian.  There will be, and should be, much shifting and shuffling between these categories.

I like to look at it as a constant cycle.  You go from Group 3, to developing your talents and needing help—Group 2—and then, having mastered that aspect of life, you will move on to Group 1.  However the funny thing about God is that, when you are in Group 1 in a particular aspect of life, He has a way of adding one more responsibility, or one more adventure, or one more, something.  Then you go back to Group 3, and the cycle continues.

This is one of the flows of life that keeps things fresh, exciting, and funny.  There are always new mountains to conquer, new heights to climb, and new journeys to experience.

But what do you do when you feel stuck in Group 3.  How do you get out?  How do you move forward?  How do you grow accomplish, and complete when you have never done it before?  This will be the topic of next Friday’s blog.

Well that’s all for today.  Next Monday we will be continuing the series about, “Doing what you were created to do.  There are lots of get things on tap for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and before you know it, it will be Friday again.

I did upload the firework video for yesterday’s blog, so be sure to check out the updated post.  Also, I know you all got cheated out of a Wacky Wednesday, because of Independence Day, so I am going to do a wacky post sometime this weekend to make up for that J  Have a good weekend.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

A Beautiful Independence Day

Provided by: wikipedia.org
UPDATE: The video from the 4th of July is now posted below!  Enjoy!! :)

Yesterday was absolutely gorgeous.  I got to spend the whole day with some of my best friends.  We went for a walk on the green belt, went over to a BBQ, and then party hopped to another friends house to watch an incredible display of fireworks across the valley.  Could not have gotten much better than that!

I hope you all enjoyed your 4th of July as well.  I am working on uploading a video of the fireworks last night, but it's still not ready.  I'll update this post when it is, so be sure to check back.  Also tomorrow we are going to be continuing the series on developing the talents that God has given us.  See you then!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Amazing Speddy

Today, I am so excited to introduce you to Jessica [Speddy] Spedden.  She is an awesome woman of God, and a very close friend.  She was one of 16 other people with me down in Mexico when God first put it on my heart to go back.  I still remember the conversation I had with her when our group was in a coffee shop, and how I believed that this was one of the things that God had for me.

Well she not only believed in me and the call of God on my life, but she also acted on it.  About a week after the trip, when I was back in the U.S., she got me a Spanish-English bible for my birthday.  Speddy, you ROCK!

Here are some other incredible things about Speddy that you may or may not know: she has a compassionate heart and is passionate about children's ministry, earning money for the house of God, and prayer; she is an amazing cook, and great host; and she is a formidable foe in a nerf war, tickle war, pie-throwing war, or just about any other kind of war [I know from experience ;)  ].

Thanks again Speddy for who you are and all that you do.  I am honored to call you my friend!

Monday, July 2, 2012


Provided by: topnews.in/general/shooting

So, let’s say that you have thought about it, prayed about it, and you still have no solid idea about what you are supposed to do with your life….

Oh, before I go on, welcome back.  Hope you had a great weekend.  If you have not read, last Monday’s blog, I would strongly recommend it.  It provides the framework for everything today.  I put a link at the bottom of the page. J

As I was saying, let’s pretend that you are like me, and do not know specifically what you are supposed to do before you die.  It’s a common problem, and it’s something that I can totally relate to.  Where am I supposed to go?  What am I supposed to do?  Whose lives am I supposed to affect?  And how?

Well there are two major keys that I want to bring out.  One of them I will talk about today, and the other one, I will talk about next week.  The point I want to talk about today is something that I call “Ready-Fire-Aim-Fire”

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Often times, one of the most difficult aspects of starting something new is starting.  There are so many factors to consider, so many variables to take into account, and so many things that could not work out quite right.  Often times we have more than enough excuses to talk ourselves out of doing the exact thing that we were created to do.

You must start, and you must start with the understanding that you will need to make adjustments along the way.  If you think that you will wait to successfully start with a perfect dream, or vision, or process, or whatever, then it will never end up happening.  Your goal is imperfect, your system is flawed, or your program needs work… that’s ok.  Start anyway!  Obviously, you need to have a general direction in mind (and in the upcoming weeks we will talk about narrowing that down to a specific idea), but after you have something concrete, something that you are passionate about, go for it.

You might say, “Matt, I already know that my idea is imperfect.”  That’s fine.  Make adjustments as you go.  Remember the title of this blog, “Ready-Fire-Aim-Fire.”  After you start once, you realize that starting is not such a big deal.  Starting something new is actually fun and exciting.  It brings new challenges and horizons.  It provides the opportunity to explore, challenge yourself, innovate, and come up with something unique.  BUT YOU MUST START.  You will be so glad you did.

That is exactly what I am doing.  I have never moved to a different country before.  I have never packed my things and said good-bye to everyone I know and love for several months.  I have never left behind all of my material possessions to chase after a dream.  And yet the willingness to do just that was how this project started.  There have already been adjustments that have been made since this project began, and I am sure that there will be more, but I just wanted to tell you, join with me!  Be willing to go for it.  Be willing to take a chance.  Just go into it knowing that you will have to make adjustments as you go.

That’s it for today, Tomorrow I will be telling you about another person that has inspired me, and helped me along this journey, and provided me with my one of my first tangible asset toward making this project a reality.  See you tomorrow!