Monday, July 30, 2012

The Dreaded Dead End

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So how do I avoid the dreaded dead end?  How do I ensure that the work I am doing is not in vain?  How do I know that the work that I am doing is in the will of God?  These are all questions that I have asked myself over the last couple of years.

The good news is that God is real!  One of the things that I found myself doing is thinking that I was in this on my own.  Somehow I thought that God drew me to Himself when I first became a Christian, but after that I was left to find my own way.  I thought that it was now up to me to find my path, determine my course, and arrive at my destiny.  Fortunately, the bible says the complete opposite.

The bible says that, “A man's heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps,” (Proverbs 16:9 New King James Version).

One of the stories that I am drawn to in the Old Testament of the Bible is the story of Moses.  Moses was a young man who grew up in the palace of the king [Pharaoh].  He would have learned all the strategies of war, and he would have been taught the art of governing people.

Then, when Moses discovers his heritage and wants to free his people from oppression and bondage, he gets run out of town and goes and herds sheep in the wilderness for 40 years.  This seems like a dead end, but it is not!

Rather there were different aspects of Moses’ character that God wanted to work on.  His life took different twists and turns, and eventually God united all of his training and heritage to the calling of his life.  The thing that encouraged me the most about this story is that in God, there are no dead ends.  In God there are no wasted opportunities.

If we are in a trial, or a circumstances, or going in a specific direction that does not seen logical, then that means that there is something that we must learn though this to accomplish the mission of our life.  Continue to be moldable, changeable, and teachable, and God will bring you to your destination just like Moses.

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