Friday, July 20, 2012

Investment Banking (3 Keys Part 2)

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Last week we were talking about the 3 keys to success, and the first two that we covered were being faithful with a little, and not taking God's role.  The third key that I believe is can be the most important, sometimes can be the most missed is what I call "Investment Banking."

In the passage that I referenced last week in Matthew chapter 25 [it's the parable of the talents... I highly recommend you all read it :) ] there is a part where the master is scolding the unfaithful servant.  He tells this servant that he should have at least invested his "talent" [ancient unit of money] with the bankers to that he would have received back his talent with interest.

It is easy to think that this "Investment Banking" in the passage is a less beneficial option to multiplying talents.  Sort of like a "Plan B."  That's how I always took it.  But the more I think about it, the more I believe that there was something else going on.  I believe that "Investment Banking" is the first step toward multiplying talents.

So reading between the lines, what is "Investment Banking?"  I believe it is saying, I have this resource, talent, or ability, and I really don't know what to do with it.  Therefore I am going to loan it to someone who does know what to do with it.  So, if I am a good musician, maybe I will loan my talent to the church worship team until I can develop other skills to start a Christian band.  Or if I am a good speaker, I will volunteer to give a mini-messages and testimonies in small group until God commissions me to have my own small group.  Or if I am successful with money, I will give my money to worthwhile causes, until God gives me my own causes to start.

God has something for EVERYONE!  Every single person has a cause that they are supposed to head-up, lead, or take the initiative with.  No exceptions.  Not everyone does it, but we are all supposed to.  It will never be independent of the whole.  We are all part of the single body of Christ.  But at the same time it should be a key aspect that you are solely responsible for.

The question is how do you get there?  Not by hording your talent.  And NOT by sitting back and waiting to be discovered.  No!  We all need to go out and invest in other people's ministries, other people's businesses, and other people's accomplishments.  My goal should be to find someone who is more successful that me, and make them even more successful than they already are.  In the process of doing this, the other person's principles, skills, and abilities will start to rub off on me, and I will learn how they got to be successful.

So, my encouragement to you today is to find a successful person.  Find someone who is doing something similar to what your dreams are... and invest in them!  Take them out to lunch.  Join their team.  Volunteer.  Invest your resources.  Get involved!  In the process you will learn what makes a person successful, and you will be able to apply those principles to the thing that God has called you to do.

Hope you all had a great week.  Sorry again about the glitch while I was on vacation.  See you Monday for more adventures!

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