Monday, July 16, 2012

Reconciling Ideas

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Welcome back.  I hope you had an amazing weekend!  My weekend was packed!  But it’s better than being bored, right!?

The question for today is: how do I reconcile two opposing ideas?

One Friday’s blog, the general theme was to be faithful with a little, and God brings the increase, while Monday’s theme had been to go for it, try something new, and step out when you are unsure.

How do we reconcile the two?

This is a question that I have thought a lot about, even before this blog.  Do I wait and be faithful with a little?  Or… do I step out and do something crazy?  The answer I arrived at is… that these options are the exact same thing from different perspectives.

In Matthew chapter 25—in the parable of the talents—the servant with one talent was afraid!  He was afraid to step out and multiply his one talent!  Even though it would have been way less work than the other servants, he was still afraid!  He thought it was too much!

When the bible says to be faithful with a little, that means it is a little from God’s perspective.  Not from our perspective!  From our perspective, the task ahead can seem huge, daunting, and insurmountable.  The problem is that God looks down and chuckles.  He looks at us and wonders when we are going to get past this one so that we can move on to the real work.

While it is true that I have never been to Mexico before, I have made other fairly large decisions on limited information… and had the work out well [that last part is important J].  I have been on 4 different short term mission trips.  I do know some Spanish.  Also, I do have local contacts down there that I personally know and would be working with.

The direction for me is slightly new, but the process is still the same.  I never expected to go down to Mexico and live for several months.  Now, that looks like a possibility.  But how do I get there?  I get there by being faithful with a little.  I get there by improving my Spanish, writing a blog, finishing school, and several other things I will share with you in the upcoming weeks and months.

Actually shifting direction and focusing on going to Mexico for an extended period of time was a huge change in mindset.  It was like whoa… well… ummm… okay….  But after doing that, it is still an excise in being faithful with a little.

That’s it for today.  Next week we are going to be talking about roadblocks.  Also tomorrow I am going to tell you about another amazing person that has been a huge help to me.  See you then!

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