About Me

Who am I?  I am a young man following a dream.  Plain and simple.  People might say, "Matt, why don't you settle down, get a regular job, a wife, and two-and-a-half-kids."  My answer: [sigh] I agree, it's just that I don't want to settle....  Life is so special, so amazing, and so short.  If I do not take this opportunity now, I may not get another.  So, I'm going for it.

My original plan was the normal life.  I was 22-years-old and was graduating with my degree in civil engineering.  I was engaged to my high-school sweetheart, and I was going to settle... settle-down to the life that I had always dreamed about.  Well, long-story-short, that didn't work out.  It's hard loosing everything.  But now, on the other side of it, I can see that it was for a purpose.  I have more that I was created to do; more that I was meant to accomplish than a 9-to-5 with a suburban home and a soccer-mom-wife.  I'm not bashing that life, I fully expect to have a wife and kids some day, and in someways I consider that to be the greatest adventure of all.  But if I chase after that, when God has a different adventure for me right now, then for me that would be settling.

That is ultimately what this blog is about: the journey that God has brought me on, where I am now, and where I am going.  The newest adventure, the one on the horizon is of course my upcoming trip to Mexico, and so, in many ways, that will consume much of my writing, and immediate attention, but there is so much more than that.  Mexico is just the next step in the journey.  There were steps preceding it, and there will be steps following.  I don't totally know what is going to happen.  I have never packed up to go live in a foreign country before.  We'll see.  I invite you: come share my adventure with me...