Monday, August 13, 2012

Stop the Presses! VP Ryan Announced

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I know that on Monday's I have been doing a series on achieving God's mission for your life, however today there is an announcement that is so monumental that it has totally distracted me from the current structure.  Tomorrow we are going to go back to the normal schedule.  However today I feel compelled to talk about this recent development.

Let me frame this in: we are living in the most prosperous country in the history of the world.  We are, from a global perspective, living in the most MORAL time period in the history of the world.  We have, from a global perspective, never seen less hunger, more access to clean water, more morality, less violence, less discrimination, than we do right now.  It is hard for someone like me, because from the perspective of the United States of America there seems to be some decline in some of these areas.  HOWEVER, from the perspective of the entire world, the principles of the Bible continue to advance and revolutionize the social landscape of the world.  As Jesus said, "I will build my church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it."

My hope in God and His principle shall continue, no matter what the outcome of an particular country.  However today I have new hope in my country.  I have renewed excitement that my country as I know it is not over.  I have reasonable expectation that my country can turn things around and that the end is not here.

Over the weekend, Mitt Romney announced his running mate for Vice President: Paul Ryan.  Of the many things that I admire about Paul Ryan, it is his fiscal honesty.  Every democracy in the history of the world has FAILED after about 200 years because people discover that they can elect personal benefits for themselves through their votes.  In every case, this type of voting has bankrupted the country and sent it into economic collapse.  

In 1980, the United States was on pace to follow all the democracies in the history of the world.  We were slated to follow the economic demise of every democracy that has passed before us.  The country was in a state of stag-flation, there was economic distress, and hope in the country was waning.  And then something remarkable happen.  A politician stepped up who told the truth.  A politician came on the scene who was willing to speak the truth boldly and articulately.  A politician was willing to say that, "Government is not the solution to our problems; government IS the problem."

Not only did this politician go on to win by sweeping majorities, but he ushered in a time period of fiscally conservative government principles that lasted the next 25 years.  To say that fiscal conservatism has been eroded by both parties since then would be true.  Since Ronald Regan, each subsequent presidential administration has been LESS fiscally conservative than the previous [whether democrat or republican].  And therefore, the country is understandably in a similar position that it was in back in 1980.  In some ways we are in a better position, and in other ways we are in a worse position.  But the bottom line is that we need a politician who is willing to tell the truth.  We need a politician who is willing to be bold in the face of adversity.  We need a politician who is willing to say, that if you vote for the candidate who will make you the most expensive promises, then you will go the way of EVERY PRECEDING DEMOCRACY and your country will END.

I believe we potentially have that person in Paul Ryan.  I am excited that we have a young man who is not afraid to look reality in the eye and see it for what it is.  I would encourage each one of you to watch this youtube video and realize that up to this point, we have had fickle politicians who were too cowardly to tell you the truth about the economic cliff that we are on.

1 comment:

  1. I just watched that video the other day! SO AWESOME. I don't understand all of the econ ins and outs but I love his demeanor, and I love his closing statement. If only "debates" were this way!
